Sustainable and cost-effective school uniform

  • Parents are consistently paying more than double for branded school uniform compared to high street alternatives. This creates financial burden that many families struggle to meet, despite Government guidance aimed at reducing costs. [1]
  • Although there is statutory guidance requiring schools to minimise the use of branded uniform items, many schools continue to require multiple branded items, this drives up costs and puts added pressure on families.
  • Schools and suppliers are under pressure to balance affordability with quality. While unbranded options may seem cheaper, they often result in more frequent replacement, whereas high quality branded uniforms remain durable. [1]

24.2% savings, ALP average uniform basket priced at just £69.94, providing significant cost savings for families

No reported service issues or complaints, with consistently positive feedback from schools

100% on time delivery of ALP uniform for the start of the school year, ensuring seamless readiness for pupils and families

100% of online orders were dispatched within 48 hours, demonstrating exceptional operational efficiency and commitment to timely service

100% of online orders were dispatched within 48 hours, demonstrating exceptional operational efficiency and commitment to timely service

Relationships with individual schools have been strengthened through direct and proactive support, led by Penny, ensuring all stakeholders are completely supported

98% of stock continuity for all uniform lines up to the end of August, with 100% stock continuity across all ALP uniform SKUs

The Uniform basket was 2% lower than the national average

Pop up shops organised by ALP have been well received offering convenient and tailored service that meets the specific needs of each school

120,029 plastic bottles were saved from landfill by switching to recycled uniform including; blazers, skirts, trousers and ties



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