Workplace Solutions Best Value Framework

Connected thinking. Consolidated supply.

Workplace Solutions

Access our Workplace Solutions single-supplier framework in partnership with Banner. Designed to provide Multi-Academy Trusts with high quality supplies and services.

Our Workplace Solutions framework ensure improved outcomes, savings and sustainability.

Enhancing the learning environment for the pupils and teachers, aligned specifically with key Department for Education legislation and strategies.

The Framework has already achieved 21% savings against Workplace Solutions spend. Ensuring Multi-Academy Trusts redirect and reinvest in core Education priorities. 

By accessing our Workplace Solutions framework, MATs can maximise their budgets to support educational outcomes while achieving significant cash savings.

Benefits of using our Workplace Solutions Best Value Framework

Improved Outcomes

KPI driven service with monthly management reports to ensure continuous improvement and enhanced outcomes for framework users

Sustainable Success

Our framework has decreased CO2 emissions by upto 11.1(t), equivalent to the carbon absorbed by approximately 555 trees growing for one year.

Significant Savings

21% cashable savings, equivalent to a teaching assistant's salary, freeing cash that could be reinvested to enhance frontline education outcomes.

Efficiency Redefined

413 invoices reduced to 12 annually, streamlining administrative processes, increasing productivity and ensuring more time spent on core educational priorities

Success Stories

The HEART Academy Trust, facing rising school costs outpacing general inflation, reprocured their workplace solutions through our single-supplier framework, significantly enhancing productivity and focusing more on education priorities, sustainability and enhanced efficiencies.

This strategy reduced the number of suppliers from 31 to 1, streamlined administrative processes by cutting annual invoices from 413 to 12, and achieved 21% cost savings, equivalent to funding a teaching assistant.

Environmentally, the trust recycled 3.8 tons of waste, avoided landfill, and decreased CO2 emissions by 11.1 (t), equating to the carbon absorption of  555 trees annually. These efforts included implementing a zero-to-landfill waste packaging system and supporting continuous improvement through robust KPIs and monthly reports.

Download our Free Workplace Solutions Sustainable Buying Guide

Discover how you can make better sustainable procurement decisions with our free Sustainable Buying Guide.


Discover all our Single Supplier Best Value Frameworks

Zoe Court

Zoe Court

Supplier Relationship & Procurement Manager

For more information speak to Zoe Court on 0800 917 7884
or e-mail
Alternatively fill in the form below to request a call back.