Procurement Policy Note – Tackling Modern Slavery in Government Supply Chains
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The Procurement Policy Note (PPN) issued in February 2023 addresses the issue of modern slavery in government supply chains. It mandates that all Central Government Departments, their agencies, and NHS bodies take action to identify and manage modern slavery risks in their supply chains. The PPN applies to existing contracts and new procurement activities starting from April 1, 2023.
Key points in the PPN include the use of guidance for identifying and managing modern slavery risks, an updated risk assessment table, a new requirement for supply chain information at the selection stage of high-risk procurements, and guidance on enhanced due diligence and exclusion grounds.
The background section highlights the government’s commitment to combat modern slavery, emphasizing it as a significant human rights issue. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is mentioned as a tool to address these crimes. The government aims to leverage its buying power to reduce the risk of modern slavery in its supply chain.
For further information and assistance, organizations are directed to contact the Crown Commercial Service Helpdesk or visit the Home Office modern slavery webpages on
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